For more information and contact information about our committees, email
The BUILDING AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE plans and oversees all aspects of maintenance, renovation, operations and further development of the Congregation’s buildings and grounds, including furnishings and related supplies for both congregational and non-congregational uses. The Committee works to minimizing the environmental footprint of the buildings and maximizing restorative potential of the grounds. The EDEN INITIATIVE is a dedicated crew that works to beautify the fields and paths by removing invasive plant species and reintroducing native plants.
The COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE aims to effectively and efficiently coordinate in-reach and outreach. Our goals include developing and maintaining the temple’s website to inform members and recruit interested parties of temple activities; providing effective communication among congregants, board, leadership and staff; and publicizing and promoting the activities of TvO to the local community.
The FINANCE COMMITTEE shares responsibility with the treasurer for developing the annual budget and reviewing and implementing our investment policy. In addition, in cooperation with the Treasurer, the committee recommends overall financial policies and guidelines for the synagogue.
The JEWISH EDUCATION COMMITTEE provides guidance and support to ensure we are providing a thoughtful reflective Jewish education for our children. The committee works collaboratively with the education director and b’mitzvah coordinator to provide feedback and input on the Jewish Learning Experiences (JLE) program and curriculum, staffing, class services, and children and teen programming.
The WELCOMING COMMITTEE seeks to recruit and engage new members and guests. This committee reaches out to potential and new members through email, open house events and small coffee hours. The committee also coordinates our annual Shabbat in the Park. Contact
The AVODAH COMMITTEE plans Shabbat and holiday services and related programs. The committee works closely with our service leaders’ working group and High Holiday Planning committee to create spiritually meaningful and enriching services. This committee oversees our holiday events and services, Shabbat in the Park and Shabbat in the Community. They recruit and support congregant leaders for lay-led services.
The BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT COMMITTEE offers support and resources when a community member is facing one’s own death or the death of a loved one. The group helps with practical matters such as finding a funeral home and leader for a funeral service, deciding upon a cemetery and determining the type of services to hold. In addition, this committee helps to develop and/or organize rituals that honor the spirit and traditions of Judaism, both in traditional ways and adapted for modern times and for our multicultural community. The BSC can be reached at
The ENRICHMENT PROGRAM GROUP organizes engaging educational, cultural and community-building programming at TvO. We coordinate with other committees to ensure a range of programs that support the interests of current members and that target prospective members.
The FUNDRAISING WORKGROUP works to raise additional funds for Tikkun v’Or through grant-writing and events, including our annual “Listen to your Mother” program that brings together local authors and poets to share diverse true stories about motherhood.
In addition, we have a number of SOCIAL ACTION GROUPS that offer many opportunities for engagement. For more information, go to the Social Action page.