Shabbat Services

Congregation Tikkun v’Or is a beautiful and spiritual place to welcome Shabbat.

We usually use the Mishkan Tefillah siddur (prayerbook), which has Hebrew, English translations, interpretations, and transliteration. Additional songs we often include can be found here.

Friday Night Services

We have services most Friday nights starting at 7:30 p.m. and lasting 1 to 1 ½ hours. Services are led by our mosaic of service leaders or community members. We use the Mishkan Tefillah siddur (prayerbook), which has Hebrew, English translations, interpretations, and transliteration. We usually offer a small oneg or kiddush (wine/juice, challah, and snacks) after services. We sometimes have dish-to-pass dinners before the services.

Saturday Morning Services

Shabbat morning services at Congregation Tikkun V’Or are held about once a month. We use the Mishkan Tefillah siddur (prayerbook), which has Hebrew, English translations, interpretations, and transliteration. We usually offer a small oneg or kiddush (wine/juice, challah, and snacks) after services. All community members are especially welcome to join our BMitzvah services as family and friends celebrate.

Many of our services are offered remotely via Zoom (see our calendar for zoom links) . If you are joining us on Zoom, and do not have the prayerbook, other prayers and songs we sing on Friday nights can be found here. Most of the prayers and songs we sing on Saturday mornings can be found here.

See the calendar for details about timing and services leaders on specific dates.