Congregation Tikkun v’Or is proud to have a dynamic and highly individualized BMitzvah program, led by Michael Margolin, along with teacher Kenny Berkowitz. Students meet on Sunday morning and Wednesday afternoons. Study includes Jewish history, Torah, mitzvot (commandments), ethics, rituals, holidays, and Hebrew. In the Wednesday JLE classes, students develop Hebrew reading and prayer skills and prepare for becoming b-mitzvah.
Our small classes allow for each student and family to choose a date and parasha (Torah portion) close to the actual Hebrew birthday. About 6 months before the ceremony, students start working individually, learning to chant the Torah parasha and the Haftorah. Most students also prepare to lead many sections of the Friday night and Saturday morning services. Each student studies the meanings and commentaries on the parasha, and writes a d‘var Torah (commentary) of their own.
For more information, or for the most updated copy of our Guide to B-Mitzvah Celebrations, contact
Students also each work on a tikkun olam project, as a way to focus on how each of us can do mitzvot (commandments) and gemilut chasadim (loving kindness) and tzedakah (acting righteously in pursuit of justice) in order to bring tikkun olam (repair of the world). Recent projects included:
Click here for the Tikkun Olam Project Proposal Form.