What to Expect at TvO

Services at Congregation Tikkun v’Or (Healing and Light) provide a meaningful, uplifting experience of worship and community. Recognizing that many in our congregation do not read or speak Hebrew fluently, our service leaders try to strike a balance between Hebrew and English in hopes of stimulating engagement and inspiring participation.

Friday night services typically last about an hour; Saturday morning services (especially bmitzvah services)  are about two hours. Most services end with an oneg or kiddush, a ritual celebration with wine/juice, challah, and some snacks.

Singing. We delight in joining our voices together in prayer and song at Tikkun v’Or. Our service leaders use melodies from many different sources including the Chassidic repertoire, traditional prayer modes, sacred contemporary Jewish music, and original or non-traditional melodies. We encourage people to join in freely with “la la la” or “dai dai dai”. Niggunim (wordless melodies) are spiritually and emotionally creative expressions of that which cannot be expressed in words.

Silence is an integral part of our Jewish worship. We encourage you to use the silences to focus, to contemplate words or phrases that you’ve just said, sung, or heard, and to fully experience this special time that you’ve set aside from your usual routine.  During parts of the Amidah (standing prayer), Torah Service, and Yizkhor (memorial prayer for the dead), we may ask you to refrain from talking or whispering, to be still and to not enter or exit the sanctuary.

Please remember to turn off all cell phones, beepers and watch alarms during services.

Children are especially welcome at services and holidays. We delight in their presence at services and thank you for bringing them. It’s fine if babies and young children occasionally make some noise. We only ask you move to the lobby if your child appears to be distracting others. Nursing or feeding is certainly encouraged. We want families and individuals to feel welcome and respected during worship.

It takes Kulanu – all of us – to make Congregation Tikkun v’Or a strong, vibrant, connected community. For that reason, we ask each member to sign up for at least two volunteer undertakings each year in support of our Shabbat services, including our b’mitzvah services. Volunteers serve as greeters, oneg hosts, and Zoom hosts. TvO members can sign up on the Google spreadsheet through the Members-Only page.

Our safe space

The building is very accessible to all, as there are no steps to enter the building from the front door. While we do still have only gendered restrooms, please use whichever restroom makes you feel more comfortable.

You’ll find that people wear a range of clothing, from business casual and slightly dressy to shorts and sandals – please join us and be comfortable! If you’re a bit late, you won’t be alone! The door will be locked (for security), so you can press the (silent, lit) door-button and someone will let you in.

Get to know us!

We often greet each other during the service. People will come up to you! You are also welcome to join us after for the oneg/kiddush. You can also go to our calendar for more information about other events and sign up for our weekly emails for the latest updates.


Please ask! Ask the service leaders, greeters, or members. Speak to us after services or call 607-256-1471 or email info@tikkunvor.org. And THANK YOU for joining us.