With Rabbi Lenore Bohm
We’ll look at the portion called “Yitro” which includes The Ten Commandments. What kind of person and society are The Ten Commandments trying to create? Why does it say we should “honor” our parents, instead of “love” them? Why are two different words used in the Exodus and Deuteronomy versions of the 10th Commandment – “do not desire” and “do not covet.” Let’s talk about what the phrase “Na’aseh v’Nishma” (“we will do and we will understand”) means in the context of the experience at Mt. Sinai and in the context of our most important relationships. And speaking of relationships, are you surprised that Moses’ closest attachment appears to have been to his father-in-law, Yitro? Do/Did you have a particularly close bond with an in-law? Join the conversation. No experience necessary.