Shabbat Morning Service


November 2, 2024    
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Led by Rabbi Lenore Bohm and Lauren Korfine

Please join us as we bring in Shabbat morning and the new month of Cheshvan with song, prayer, Torah, and community. We will consider the story of Noah, who is called to create a place of shelter in a time of great darkness and chaos. Into the ark, Noah is instructed to make a tsohar, a window, into which the light might shine. It’s interesting that Noah is told to make a  “tsohar” (the only time this word is used in the Hebrew Bible) but then is said to open the “chalon,” which remains the word for “window” to this day in Hebrew.

Is a “tsohar” a different kind of window, perhaps something providing a spiritual opening? There are windows through which one can see outside but nobody outside can see in. Does this describe you or someone you know? What do windows symbolize to you?

Most Shabbat services at Tikkun v’Or are held in person at on Zoom. Contact for more information and links.