Shabbat in the Community


December 27, 2024    
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

SHABBAT IN THE COMMUNITY Friday, December 27 (3rd night of Chanukah)

Share a festive meal with fellow TvO members at Shabbat in the Community!

TvO will have another Shabbat in the Community dinner for those who are in town then and are looking for some Jewish fellowship.  At Shabbat in the Community, several congregation members host Shabbat pot-luck dinners in their homes, and everyone will have the opportunity to attend one of those dinners – everyone is welcome!  Dinners may include a short candle-lighting service and a discussion question, or just festive eating and conversation. Shabbat in the Community is a great way for TvO members to get to know each other in an informal setting!  There will be no service at TvO that evening so that people can attend Shabbat in the Community.

If you are interested in attending or hosting Shabbat in the Community please contact Peter Silberman <> by Monday, Dec. 16.