Essential Questions and Key Strategies For Thriving As A Jewish Community Today: A perspective from Reconstructing Judaism, with Rabbi Micah Geurin-Weiss.
We really hope that many of you will come and be part of what we expect to be a thought-provoking conversation, the first event in TvO’s initiative on Purpose, Identity and Affiliation.
Rabbi Weiss is the Associate Director For Thriving Communities and Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in the Reconstructionist Movement. He spends his days helping communities with the day in and day out demands of congregational life, with a focus on supporting the sacred work of tikkun olam.
Rabbi Weiss will share insights and examples from his work with a range of congregations to help us consider some key questions and strategies that might help TvO thrive and have a meaningful impact in this fraught political/cultural moment and in the years ahead.
This is an opportunity for us all to benefit from the thoughtfulness of Rabbi Micah and from his experience in working on “thriving communities,” as we reflect on our own purpose and identity and consider what will help us thrive as a congregation. This is NOT intended to be a session about TvO becoming a Reconstructionist congregation. We certainly want and expect TvO members to learn from Rabbi Geurin Weiss about Reconstructing Judaism as a movement and the Reconstructionist perspective that we hope he will bring to the questions we are asking of him.
Registration will be open soon.